Sunday 27 October 2013

What to do with a Brand New Ferrari?

Tomato & Sweetcorn Convertible*

Forgotten Ferrari

Beetle Home

Decomposition with Ferrari and 8c Spiders

all models shown work exclusively on biofuel

I was not really sure what to do with this blog, so I could have called this post 'what to do with a brand new blog' instead, and avoided the risk of upsetting any Ferrari lovers with a sensitive disposition, which I would sincerely hate to do.

However, I've decided to make this blog unashamedly broad ranging and try also to grapple with the problem of writing about your own work without sounding pompous, self congratulatory, pretentious or worst of all boring.   

An impossible task you may think and an unnecessary deviation from the philosophy that  pictures should speak for themselves. But apparently the search engines are not impressed by wordless blogs and it is good to talk even if its to yourself.

When I'm teaching I often hear myself giving a student advice that I think would be better directed at my own work or setting projects that I've always wanted to do myself but never got round to, a bit like the novel that never gets written.

So this blog, while not being risky will risk the loss of some mystique by making some honest remarks about trying to be creative and by acknowledging that in drawing cars I've learned more than ever before just how beautiful a Ferrari can be, which is not saying much.             

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